
Showing posts from April, 2021

Final Magazine Pages


Creative Critical Reflection

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  How did you receive the feedback on the photos? Do they still fit within your vision of the final magazine? What are some things you might want to change about the layout of your magazine after receiving feedback about the photos? I received back feedback on the sketches/photos by giving a presentation to my classmates and them writing down notes on what I can do to make progress. The sketches that I had that recover my photos in the way are with my vision with the final magazine. I want to change the photography and typography because they need to come together creatively and ake a big visual without saying anything. Yes, there should be a title but the title should present but the photograph should have a representation that says it all. 


  What was your plan for taking the photos? What was the process like during taking the photos? How did they come out? Do you think you'll need to update them in any way? My plan for taking the photos was to take pictures of a Breoanna Taylor and a George Floyd mural to help understand what is being signified or to help give a better representation. I did not end taking the pictures but to be more creative I sketched two murals with    Breoanna Taylor and a George Floyd. The sketches came out better than I expected others looked at them before I presented them. Sketching has to deal with forming the right visual and I redid it a couple times before I even showed it to others and presented to more peoples. There were positive ideas about the sketches I made so I don't think they should be updated.


  How did you take the feedback? What have you worked on since your first sketch? What have you changed? What have you kept the same? I took the feedback very informing and helpful when it comes to making a magazine helped me come up with different designs and help me understand the different elements more. I have worked on the fonts, colors, layout, and alignment since my first sketch and it seems like everything turned out better with my layouts and designs. I really didn't keep anything the same except for my topic and titles because I ready to stand up when it comes up to African Americans especially when it includes racism or discrimination.


  How did you respond to the feedback from your initial proposal? What will you change in your second round of sketches that are due soon?    I responded back to the feedback from my first proposal by listening to the feedback that was given to me and understanding it from a different perspective. There was too much white space and there needed to be more work when it came to the alignment. I will change the layout and design by changing where the picture will be and how small or large the font of the letters will be. Also changing the colors and alignment with the pictures and words being used, and come up with something more creative. 

Blog #1

Why did you select this idea for the magazine? What are some similar references you've used that helped you influence your layout and design? Include images of those references.  I selected this idea for the magazine because I wanted more people to be informed when it comes to African Americans we are still excluded from most things and we all may have equal rights now but discrimination is still present in today's society. Others discriminate against African Americans because of how we were treated back in the day and since we don't have those laws that exclude us anymore it seems as if people see us  African Americans as a threat. The similar references I have used that helped me be influenced the layout and design would be looking at different protest pictures or looking at different cases to help.